Payments & Contributions

Voluntary Financial Contributions

Lake Tuggeranong College offers a diverse and relevant curriculum to its students. The College Board requests parents pay a Voluntary Parental Contribution of $150 per year to purchase resources that enhance the teaching-learning environment for all students across the college. This payment can be made into either our Building or Library Trust Funds to become a tax deducible donation.

Year 11 students are also requested to pay a materials and resources contribution of $80 to cover administrative items such as photographic ID, student printing and internet usage for the duration of their Year 11 and 12 studies.

In addition to these contributions, some courses may have additional costs. These courses usually have consumables or use equipment that is expensive to maintain and replace. There are many alternative courses where there are no consumable costs requested. A full list of all course costs is available from the front office.

Although all contributions are voluntary in accordance with ACT Government policy, it is requested that parents support the College through these contributions as they provide additional resourcing of the many and varied educational programs running at the College. The Education Act 2004 states that your child will not be refused benefits or services if you do not choose to contribute. Individual records of contributions are confidential.